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文档介绍:Rule for Nonnative Speakers
Stage 1: making new conversational rules.
There are many reasons why it is hard to explain humor.
Elements that may hinder our understanding of English humour
“Quid”(货币) is the modern word for what was once called a "shilling”.
Underpants are called “wellies(长筒雨靴)”.
friends are called “tossers(二传手)”.
If you are fond of someone, you should tell him he is a “great tosser”-- he will be touched.
Sayings and idoms(习惯用语)
as close as an oyster (牡蛎)嘴很紧
polish the apple 讨人欢心; 拍马屁
Background knowledge
This celebrated remark was from Queen Victoria, who was expressing her dissatisfaction toward something meant to be humourous.
Some stereotyped images(刻板形象)
Scientists are considered nerdy
(书呆子式)and ugly.
Rule for Nonnative Speakers
the old conversational rule:
the new conversational rule:
necessary to implement new conversational rule:
the old conversational rule:
Admitting prehension(不理解) and asking questions about humor is stupid.
the new conversational rule:
asking questions about humor is acceptable and it is a sign of courage rather than petence(无能力)
As Confucius said ,"it is better to be stupid for three minutes than for an entire lifetime."
necessary to implement new conversational rule
Asking questions and regulating conversations in terms of idiomatic verbal and nonverbal expressions.
What follows this new rule is that nonnative speakers are freer municate their confusion to native speakers
Yet new ways of voicing(提出) problems with humor have to be learned .the general principle is that nonnative speakers need to municate prehension(不了解) and be more willing and motivated(有积极性的)to continue the new practice .this will cultivate(培养)a context in which native speakers are relaxed and willing to explain the humor.
Idiomatic verbal and nonverbal expressions
Idiomatic verbal expressions
It is way over my head!
I did not get it.
It left me out in the


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