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文档介绍:Qujiang International Conference & Exhibition Center
The geographical position
Wonderful exhibition review
The exhibition schedule
The development of the exhibition industry
The basic information
The geographical position
Xi'an is located in the center of Chinese land territory and the junction of two major economic regions of the Midwest. It is the only way from the northwest to the central plains, north China and east China. On national regional economic layout, Xi'an is the bridgehead national implementation of the western development strategy with east and west, north and south of the strategically important connection.
The geographical position
Xi‘an is one of the largest of the national trunk work node city, one of the eight major aviation hubs in China, one of the munication hubs. Xianyang International Airport is an important airport. There are 20 airlines operating more than 150 routes at the airport currently. There are more than 400 sorties daily flights taking off and landing at the airport.
The basic information
On December 3, 2011, a landmark event in the Qujiang convention and exhibition industry has e the focus of attention of the national convention and exhibition industry. A new landmark building -- Qujiang International Conference Center in Xi'an sail opened a new page of the exhibition industry and let the Qujiang exhibition industry stand in the high point of the international metropolis construction.
Xi'an Qujiang International Convention and Exhibition Center with 46000 square meters of exhibition areas and 80000 square meters of squares has been built and put into use in December 2010.
The basic information
Xi'an Qujiang International Conference Center is located in Xi'an Chang'an Road axis tower east of the Third Ring Road and south beltway Xi'an. Xi'an Metro Line 2 City Convention Center site, 40 kilometers away from Xi'an Xianyang International Airport, from Xi'an Railway Station 10 km, 7 km away from