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Coal mine ground substation is an important part of the coal mine power supply, it directly affect the reliable operation of the whole coal mine power supply, is contact with the ground and underground of the intermediate links, plays a transformation and distribution of electric energy effect. Ground substation main electrical wiring is the main link, the main electrical wiring to unsafe has a close relationship with the selection of electrical equipment, power distribution equipment layout, the determination of relay protection and automatic device of electric substation technical and economic performance is the key factor.
The preliminary design of the coal mine ground, 35 kv substation design. Its design process mainly include load calculation, the main wiring design, short-circuit calculation, electrical equipment selection, relay protection scheme, etc. Through to the coal mine do load statistical 35 kv transformer substations, the demand factor method for load calculation, according to the result of load calculation to determine the station of the main transformer sets, capacity and model number. With the method of power supply system for the short-circuit current calculation, provides the selection of electrical equipment and calibration data. According to the characteristics of the coal mine power supply system, make the mine substation main connection mode, operation mode, relay protection scheme. Within 35 kv side for bridge connection, 6 kv single mother block for main connection. Two of t


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