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上传人:taotao0a 2017/9/11 文件大小:116 KB





It was Sunday yesterday and my son and I walked a couple of miles in the morning. We got hungry so we decided to stop for a meal in a restaurant. While we were waiting in a line, a woman came in. She was very angry and talking about a beggar who had asked her for money. In her opinion, those people had the ability to earn their bread and butter.
I was feeling fortable with the situation and wondering what I should say to my son later. I had told him that we should help those who were in need of help. At that time the lady said, “Today is my birthday, and nobody can bother me.”
I knew this was my chance to help her change her thinking and to help her feel cared for on her birthday. I asked the waitress for help, telling her I wanted to pay for the woman’s meal. The waitress looked at me in surprise. I paid for our meal and that of the woman. When the woman finished eating her food, the waitress told her that it was I who had paid for her meal. Then the woman came to our table and tried to force her money on us. She even said, “I can’t take your money, because I didn’t help the person who asked me for money for food!” 
I just smiled and said, “I just hope you have a very nice birthday.”  
She ended up sitting near us and talked with us. It turned out that she was crazy about animals. Hearing our stories of pet adoptions really cheered her up.


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