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公路路线标识规则命名、编号和编码 Mark rules of highway route naming number and coding
公路路线标识规则国道名称和编号 Mark rules of highway route name and number of national trunk highway
信封 Envelopes
逐批检查计数抽样程序及抽样表(适用于连续批的检查) Sampling procedures and tables for lot-by-lot inspection by attributes (Apply to inspection of essive lots or batches)
周期检查计数抽样程序及抽样表(适用于生产过程稳定性的检查) Sampling procedures and tables for periodic inspectionby attributes ( Apply to inspection of stability for productive process)
统计学术语第一部分一般统计术语 Terms for statistics--Part 1: Terms for general statistics
统计学术语第二部分统计质量控制术语 Terms for statistics--Part 2: Terms for statistical quality control
统计学术语第三部分试验设计术语 Terms for statistics--Part 3: Terms for experimental design
数据的统计处理和解释统计容许区间的确定 Statistical interpretation of data--Determination of a statistical tolerance interval
数据的统计处理和解释均值的估计和置信区间 Statistical interpretation of data--Estimation of the mean--Confidence interval
数据的统计处理和解释在成对观测值情形下两个均值的比较 Statistical interpretation of data--Comparison of two means in the case of paired observations
常规控制图 Shewhart control charts
航海常用名词、术语及其代(符) 号 Navigation terms and symbols mon use
工业企业厂内铁路、道路运输安全规程 Safety regulation for railway and road transportation in plants of industrial enterprises
数据的统计处理和解释正态性检验 Statistical interpretation of data Normality tests
正态分布完全样本可靠度单侧置信下限 One-sided reliability confidence lower limit (Normal plete sample)
带警戒限的均值控制图 Control charts for arithmetic mean with warning limits
计数型累积和图 Cusum charts for counted/attributes data
故障树名词术语和符号 Terms and symbols of fault tree
为估计批(或过程) 平均质量选择样本大小的方法 Choice of sample size to estimate the average quality of a lot or process
消费品使用说明总则 Instructions for use of products of consumer interest--General principles
mon terms of urban public transport
道路交通标志和标线 Road traffic signs and markings
城市公共交通标志公共交通总标志 Marks for urban public transport--General mark for public transport
城市公共交通标志公共汽车标志 Marks for urban public transport--Mark


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2024年精神病医院十项便民惠民措施实施方案 3页

步态分析与步态训练PPT课件 92页

多发性骨髓瘤患者线粒体氧化磷酸化功能与硼替.. 2页

初中物理实验练习使用弹簧测力计 27页

外源性肺表面活性物质替代治疗技术在晚期早产.. 2页

2024年教师招聘职业能力测试题库及答案3 9页

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