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文档介绍:Ballet and Modern Dance
Italian Beginnings
Gugliemo Ebreo (1420-84), teacher of dance to the nobility, wrote a study of dance that includes first examples of choreography.
Dance moved from court feasts to ballrooms to the theatres. Intermezzos: dances performed between acts of classical drama or operas
Balletti: originally referred to dance in ballrooms, came to refer to dance in theatres.
15th century: Italian Beginnings
Evening Ball for the Wedding of the Duc de Joyeuse
16th century: Dance at the French Court
Le ique De La Reine missioned by Catherine de Medici in 1581 at the Valois Court of Henri III
Le ique De La Reine
1581: First ballet -- Le ique de la Reine aka posed by Balthazar Beaujoyeulx
Court entertainment for wedding festivities at the French Valois Court
Three geometrical dance entries carefully woven into the plot of the production
First conscious effort to blend verse, music, dance, scenic elements and costume into a unified and coherent theatrical statement.
16th century: Dance at the Court of Queen Elizabeth I
Queen Elizabeth I dancing with Robert Dudley, The Earl of Leicester
Elizabethan Court Dance
A skilled musician and dancer, Elizabeth I encouraged dance among all her subjects and required it of her courtiers.
Dances differed between the Upper and Lower classes.
Many Upper class dances were imported from Europe and required Dancing Masters to teach the steps.
Elizabethan dancing:
ch?v=h-7IDEada8U from Elizabeth I and Elizabeth: The Golden Age
ch?v=neaJduRIuN0 Volta from The Virgin Queen (BBC)
17th century: Ballet de Cours: Court Ballet at Versailles
Louis XIV performing in a ballet
Ballet de Cours: Court Ballet at Versailles
Ballet as Western civilization knows it is an invention of artists associated with the French court of the Sun King, Louis XIV
The king's own dancing master and perhaps the first great French dancer, Pierre Beauchamps, was head of the Dance Academy.
poser Jean-Baptiste Lully oversaw all produc