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Globalization Dual Power.ppt

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Globalization Dual Power.ppt


文档介绍:Paragraph 9-10
Language Study
Text Appreciation
, panies have gone an international acqusition binge.
>adj. 多国的:
a anization, operation, agreement 多国组织﹑行动﹑协议.
> n. 跨国公司=panies
Acquirev. [Tn]
(a) gain (sth) by one's own ability, efforts or behaviour
acquire a good knowledge of English学好英语
(b) obtain (sth)
>We've just acquired a dog. 我们刚得到一只狗.
[U] 获得; 得到: the acquisition of antiques, knowledge, a fortune 获得古董﹑知识﹑财富.
[C] 获得物(尤指有用的): the library's most recent acquisitions( books it has obtained recently) 图书馆最近增添的书籍* The school has a valuable new acquisition (a valuable new teacher) in Mr Smith. 学校里来了个生力军(很好的新教师)史密斯先生.
binge ( infml.)
n. (a) to do too much of sth. such as eating, drinking, shopping (大吃大喝的)狂欢:
> He went on/had a three-day binge. 他大吃大喝了三天.
a shopping binge=a spending/buying/shopping spree
eat or drink too much, especially without being able to control yourself:
> When she's depressed she binges (on) chocolate.
In the first half of 1999 alone, the value of new cross-border mergers and acquisitions passed $500 billion in both advanced and developing countries.
cross-: (prefix) (构成名词﹑动词﹑形容词﹑副词) movement or action from one thing to another or across 自一事物到另一事物的运动或动作; 横跨; 穿越:
cross-current cross-fertilize
cross-cultural cross-border
v (merce 尤用於商业) come together bine合并: * The bank merged with its major rival. 该银行与其主要对手合并了. * We can merge our two small businesses (together) into one larger one. 我们可以把我们那两个小企业合并成一个大企业.
vi. fade or change gradually (into sth else) 逐渐消失或变成(另一种事物): * Twilight merged into total darkness. 暮色四合, 渐而一片漆黑.
> merger n [C, U] 合并, 归并(尤指两公司):* The panies are considering merger as a possibility. 这两家公司在考虑合并的可能性. * [attrib 作定语] merger discussions 有关合并事宜的商议.
to go beyond the limit of; to e more than a particular number or amount 超越﹑超出(某事物)的限度(尤用於以下示例)
pass belief
pass one’prehension
pass for
if something passes for another thing