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文档介绍:Unit 3 Topic 2
Useful Expressions
I just say hello to you.
say “g’day” instead of “hello”.
Australia English the same as British English?
is spoken differently in different English-
speaking countries.
friends told me to put my suitcase in the boot.
yourself !
7. If you want to eed in making yourself understood ,you need to know some of these differences
the meaning can change,depending on the country where it is spoken.
and kangkang are with them to see them off
sees a foreigner putting out his hand with his thumb raised.
driver stops the car and the foreigner gets in
I am still worried about my English
hope I won’t have any difficulty.
you need help,send me an e-mail or call me/
speaking,American English is different from British English .
for the spelling differences
Disneyland in California is close to Los Angeles
are fond of exciting rides like 、、、、、
did these e about?
ago,many British people were forced to leave their country for some other places.
the beginning,Americans spoke the same as they did in England.
English languages has changed little in the past few centuries.
English language has taken in many new words from other language.
a word ,the English language is changing all the time.
say hello to
be the same as
be similar to
Instead of
enjoy oneself
Use、、、、 to do sth
depend on
be different from、、、、



eed in doing sth
make sb done
On one’s way to 、、、、、
see sb off
see sb doing sth
ask for a ride
get in/out of; get on/off
be worried about、、、、
hope to do sth /wish sb to do sth
send sb sth/send sth to、、、、



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