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上传人:qiang19840906 2017/9/18 文件大小:17 KB




i was born different. but that doesn’t stop me from living my life. and i’m happy。
i love er so much and i don’t play as well as others, of course. but you know, in the world cup, there is so much anticipation and excitement that stirs up in all of us and everybody cheers for this ess of their own team. and you know in all games there is losing and winning. people who moan over, you know, their team not winning and then people who get so excited when they win. everybody loves to win but we shall not linger on the difference between winning and losing. at the world cup, most of the fans around the world will experience the loss of their team. but is losing failing?
at age 8, i wanted to end my life. i told my mom i wanted mit suicide. and then, age 10, i actually tried. i felt like i had no hope to live. i felt like i was so different to everybody else, and there was definitely no future or hope for me. if i gave up, thinking that that was the end, i would have missed out on so much more. life is life. there are lots of esses but also lots of failures and it repeats itself again and again. should we really despair every time we go through, you know a failur


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