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? He is not very well.
is he is he is he he is
? He teaches physics in a school.
does your father want to do is your father is your father is your father
? Well, they got there last Wednesday. So about a week.
did your parents arrive at Paris long have your parents been in Paris your parents arrive at Paris last Wednesday will your parents go to
can't make myself understooD. - Take it easy. We are trying to help you.
don't need any help. won't do it again. 'd like to have a Chinese interpreter. 'd like to go somewhere.
well, thank you. And you?
night. do you do? do you like Chinese? are you?
you feeling better today, Jack?-______
must be something wrong. have a good rest. , thank you, doctor. But I still don't feel gooD. 't worry about me.
you getting a new flat this year? ______I can't afford to pay my bills, let alone buy a new flat.
question. must be joking. idea! you sure?
you going on holiday for a long time?-______
was a long time. weeks ago. . Only a couple of days. long time ago.
you here on business? ______.
, it is. And you? , nice to meet you! 's fine. , I'm here to see my
me the bill, please. ______
are e. wait for a moment, sir. 'll hurry up. quick.
I get you a cup of tea?--______
's very kind of you. the teA. pleasure. can, please.
I help you, sir? ______
, I don't need your help. . I'd like to withdraw some money. , leave me alone. 't bother me!
I help you, Sir? ______.
'd like to help you. don't know you. 't talk with me. . Please get