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上传人:好好用文档 2017/9/27 文件大小:23 KB




近?赡昀矗?街头巷尾出现了越来越多的“小黄车”“小橘车”以及其他品牌的共享单车,它们以迅猛之势占据了大街小巷,日益频繁地出现在我们的视野中。乘公共交通出行的你,往返公交站或地铁站还有一段距离,打车不划算,步行又似乎有点儿远。若是换在以前,你唯有选择奢侈打车或是苦苦步行,但共享单车却给了我们一个全新的选择。你只需就近找到一辆“小黄”“小橘”或是“小蓝”“小绿”,掏出手机扫码***,hop on,即可轻轻松松到达目的地。真可谓,“随时随地,想骑就骑”。
而在实际生活中,可以共享的也并不只限于单车。共享汽车、共享住房、共享办公区域……这种以资源共享为最大特点的经济在给创业者们带来财富和机遇的同时,更给人们的生活带来了越来越多的便利,甚至还让许多人梦想成真。当然啦,共享这件事也完全可以和钱没有半毛关系却同样令许多人受益,譬如本专题第三篇文章所介绍的免费小书屋(Little Free Library)就已传到了许多国家和地区,吸引了越来越多的人自发参与。
The bike-panies that are powering a transportation revolution in China's urban centers are not like those in the rest of the world. Their bikes have no docking1) ports or designated2) zones for parking. Instead, riders open their smartphone apps, hop on, and start pedaling.
That means China's major cities are full of thousands of colorful bikes: They are parked on sidewalks, tucked3) down alleyways4) (although non-public parking is prohibited), waiting outside metro stations and bus stops during the day, and resting outside plexes5) at night. Where there are people, there are bikes.
"I can find them everywhere I need them," said Zhang, 25, who manages a ramen6) restaurant in central Shanghai and has e a frequent user of Mobike. Using a smartphone app, Zhang can locate a bike via GPS, then scan its QR code7) to unlock it. He notes that using a bike-share platform has halved mute8), from 40 minutes by subway to a 20-minute door-to-door bike ride.
"It saves money, too," said Zhang. "Before, it was always a struggle about whether I should take a taxi or not. Maybe it's not far enough to need to take a taxi, but it's not close enough to walk, either. Now the problem's solved."
Business Models:
Mobike and Ofo
In 2015, ofo, China's bike-share pioneer, launched its first fleet9) of bicycles in Beijing. The bikes' distinctive yellow frames were soon met by the orange-rimmed10), basket-equipped models launched by Mobike, ofo's petitor today. In little over a year, the panies have had a