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上传人:012luyin 2017/10/15 文件大小:44 KB




文档介绍:最新GMAT考试指南》讲述了:Barron's Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) is designed to assist students planning to take the official Graduate Management Admission Test governed by the Graduate Manage-ment Admission Council, headquartered in Virginia, and administered by Pearson VIDE, an elec-tronic pany operating more than 5,puter centers in over 145 countries. Since the results of the GMAT are used by many graduate schools of business as a means for measuring the qualifications of their applicants, it is important that the prospective student do as well as pos-sible on this exam. Admission to business school may well depend on it.
A study guide, although not able to guarantee a perfect score, can provide a good deal of assis-tance in test preparation by enabling students 'to e familiar with the material they will encounter on the exam and supplying them with ample opportunity for practice and review. With this in mind, we have developed a study guide that goes further than the simple simulation of the official GMAT in its effort to offer a sound basis of test preparation. Besides containing three prac-tice tests with questions (and answers) similar to those students will encounter on the actual exam,it offers invaluable advice on how to prepare for the exam, ranging from a general discussion of the purpose and various formats of the GMAT to a step-by-step program of subject analy


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