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3D bio-printer(3D生物打印机).ppt

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3D bio-printer(3D生物打印机).ppt

上传人:gyzhluyin 2017/10/15 文件大小:461 KB


3D bio-printer(3D生物打印机).ppt



文档介绍:3D bio-printer(3D生物打印机)
3D bio-printer is the world’s mercial printer ,unlike an ordinary printer, it’s raw material is human cells.
3D bio-printer’s error can be controlled within 20 microns, which the an rejection can be significantly reduced.
In 20 century, organ transplant brings many hope and surprises to people. However , an transplant in the very long period of time has been facing a dilemma.
The acquisition of an is in the cost of lose another person’an, but the an is far more than ans who willing to be lose.
3D bio-printer has emerge as the times required. It makes an can “print-on-demand”.
3D biological printer has two print head. one can place more than 80,000 individual somatic cells(个人体细胞), so it aslo called the “bio-ink“(生物墨); another can print “ Biological paper”(生物纸). The main ingredient of the biological paper is the water gel(凝胶), it was used as stent of cell growth. 3D biological printer use cells from the patient's own body, so it will not produce the rejection.
The principle
Working principle
3D bio-printer is base on the prior art invention.
It use a layer of biological structure blocks(生物构造块) to create the real living tissue(活体组织)。
Working principle
First, researcher extracted stem cells(干细胞) from adult patient‘s bone marrow(骨髓) and fat. By using different growth factors(成长因子), these cells can be differentiated into other cells of a different type;
Then researchers inficted these cells into droplets, each droplet contains 10000-30000 cells. Droplets in the printer precipitated and aggregated together to form a structure
Subsequently, the naturally occurring cells began to anize, fusion, and format the new blood vessels. Each vascular takes about one hour to take shape, and fusion needs a few days
Every time the print head moving, the printing operation base will move down a scale. By this way, the an can be gradually molding.
It can also be used to design a cross-sectional view(剖面图) of


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