(Kinesics):the nonverbal behavior related to the movement of the body or part of the body.
(etiquette):it refers to manners and behavior considered acceptable in social and business situations.
(礼仪): 它指的是礼貌和行为认为是可以接受的,在社会和商业管理硕士学位。
(pragmatics):it is the study of how speakers use the language to reach munication, and the study of the effect that language has on human perceptions and behaviors.
(语用学): 它是研究如何说话者可以运用语言达到成功的交际,而且该研究结果的语言对人类的观念和行为。(power distance):the degree to which power differences are expected and accepted by society.
(权力距离): 在何种程度上的力量和接受不同是被期望的社会。
(Values): a anization of rules for marking choices and for resolving conflicts.
(价值观): 学会组织的规则为标志的选择和解决冲突。
(reverse culture shock):it refers to the “shock” one experiences upon returning to one?s home culture after growing used to a new one.
(反向文化冲击): 它指的是“震惊”一经使用后返回到一个新的增长一对一的家居文化体验。
(Recovery stage):a stage of culture shock characterized by gaining some understanding of the new culture. (恢复期): 一阶段的文化冲击获得一些新的文化的理解的特点。
(Semantics): it is the study of the meaning of words, a system that relates words to meaning.
(语义): 这是含义的话,一个系统,涉及词意义的研究。
(Memo):it is a hard-copy document, used municating inside anization, usually short.
(proxemics):the study of people?s perception and use of space.
(空间关系学): 人们的看法和空间利用研究。
(uncertainty avoidance):the degree to which the society is willing to accept and deal with ambiguity and uncertainty. (不确定性规避): 在何种程度上愿意为社会接受和处理模糊性和不确定性。
(Individualism):the degree to which individual decision-making and action is accepted and encouraged by the society.
(个人主义): 在何种程度上个人决策和行动是社会所接受和鼓励。
(taboos):practices or verbal expressions considered by a society or cultures as improper or eptable. (禁忌):方式或一个社会或文化视为不当或不可接受的口头表达。
(superstitions):beliefs that are inconsistent with the knows laws of science or what society considers to be true and rational.