【摘要】目的评估焦虑症患者采用脑电生物反馈疗法的临床治疗效果。方法 83例焦虑症患者, 以不同疗法作依据随机分为实验组(42例)和参照组(41例)。实验组患者施以脑电生物反馈疗法, 参照组患者施以常规疗法, 观察比对两组临床效果。结果实验组阳性项目数、抑郁症状、焦虑、恐惧、敌对性等因子评分低于参照组, 差异具有统计学意义(P
【Abstract】 Objective To evaluate clinical effect by electroencephalographic biofeedback therapy for anxiety disorder patients. Methods A total of 83 patients with anxiety disorder were randomly divided by different treatment measures into experimental group (42 cases) and control group (41 cases). The experimental group received electroencephalographic biofeedback therapy, and the control group received conventional therapy. Clinical effects pared between the two groups. Results The experimental group had lower scores of positive index
, depressive symptom, anxiety, fear and hostility than the control group, and the difference had statistical significance (), 具有可比性。
1. 2 方法
1. 2. 1 参照组施以常规疗法, 具体实施方法为:医务人员给予患者服用20 mg帕罗西汀, 1次/d, 以1个月为1个治疗周期。
1. 2. 2 实验组施以脑电生物反馈疗法, 具体实施方法为:①主治医生对焦虑症患者采用脑电生物反馈疗法治疗时, 反馈系统设备电极主要根据10-20系统的电极放置方法操作, 之后连接导联。②医生对患者行α波训练, 需先收集患者脑电波3 min内具体活动状况, 查看脑电生物反馈参数发生何种变化, 及所变化的范围, 而后告知患者开始治疗。患者按照医生所讲的松弛训练练习, 以