Pay check
An official form issued by pany which can be cashed at designated financial institutions.
Pay stub
Basically a receipt for record-keeping. Identifies all of the items and amounts used in calculating the final amount of the pay check.
Pay period
The time covered between pay checks. Can be daily(rare), weekly,monthly, bi-weekly (every 2 weeks), or bi-monthly (twice a month, usually in the middle and end of the month).
Pay rate
An agreed amount that pany pays per unit of time worked or unit of work done.
The base employee e for a specified period, based on pay rate. Can be:
Salary (a fixed amount, daily/weekly/monthly, which is adjusted
based on number of days worked/not worked)
Wage (an hourly rate adjusted for the number of hours worked)
Piece(a certain amount for each unit of work done)
The grosse can also be adjusted for items such missions and bonuses.
Money earned on a regular basis based on previous sales made.
Money paid by pany for various reasons, such as meeting objectives, productivity incentives, special events (. Xmas), etc.
Deductions are amounts retained by pany from your gross amount.
They are monly referred to as deductions at sour