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专业英语论文 (2).doc

上传人:gyzhluyin 2017/10/26 文件大小:330 KB


专业英语论文 (2).doc



文档介绍:Research and Realization of Independence of Kernel Logo From Kernel Files Based on Linux
Yang Shunsheng
(Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan, China, muzishuiyi@)
Abstract—At present, the files of Linux kernel logo piled into the kernel which must be piled when logo is changed. In view of this phenomenon, paper analyzed display principle and general replacement method of kernel logo in C system, proposed the new plan to display and rapidly replace, in which logo is independent of kernel file and stored in NAND flash device. After design realization and test ,plan essfully applied to ARM embedded C system.
Keywords—Linux ; kernel logo ; independence ;NAND flash
he identification of Linux operating system is a penguin, by putting a logo file implementing pilation. In embedded systems, When the logo will change according to the requirements, we need to replace the logo file of core files, pile the form and get the new kernel image file. On one hand, development process plicated, on the other hand, the kernel file with different logo change, it's difficult to implement version of unity. Therefore, we will put forward a new plan of kernel logo display and change.
The default kernel logo display principle
Storage format of images, can only be converted into an array, the array is piled into the kernel. The kernel starts, after loading the