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上传人:endfrs 2017/11/1 文件大小:50 KB





文档介绍:Part One (5’×2=10’)
Direction: Write out the functions of the following anizations.
1) mittee
For a large-scale conference, mittee is usually a rather large body that consists of the chairperson, vice-chairpersons, the secretary-general, deputy secretary-generals and mittee members. Each of them is in charge of a specific part of anizing work and is responsible to the sponsors and anizers.
2) mittee
mittee takes care of all the academic activities of a conference. It is also called mittee, mittee or mittee. Its activities include the collecting and evaluating of papers, the designing of agenda, the arranging of munication in and out of the conference, and the preparing of conference facilities such as conference rooms, overhead projectors, slide projectors and other necessary devices. In most cases, it is also responsible for the publication of its proceedings.
3) Secretariat
Secretariat is the an anizing a conference. It receives and answers the correspondences to the conference mittees and, makes oral and written reports to mittee about the work of different mittees. It also takes care of the conference rooms and takes charge of the financial management, food and modations as well as other conference and non-conference activities.
2、Part Two (5’×4=20’)
Direction: Make the following long utterances shorter for oral presentation without changing their original mean


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第四方逆向物流相关问题研究 2页

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