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5s管理(5S management).doc

上传人:rjmy2261 2017/11/12 文件大小:30 KB


5s管理(5S management).doc


文档介绍:5s管理(5S management)
Basic contents of 5S management
First, the implementation of the implementation of the "5S management" purposes:
1. improve the quality of products, reduce and even eliminate the unqualified rate;
2. increase productivity and eliminate production failures;
3. ensure the safe production of enterprises;
4., reduce production costs, improve enterprise efficiency;
5. improve the mental outlook of employees;
6. improve and improve the corporate image.
Two. Do we have the following symptoms?
The following situations often occur in the work:
1. urgent things to find, especially irritable;
2. on the table 00 chaos, and office space there is a sense of depression;
3. useless things piled up a lot, processing and reluctant, do not deal with and occupy space;
4. there are a lot of things on the work table, not clear the clue;
5. each for one thing, to open the drawer all over;
6., dirty environment, making the office staff mood is not good;
7. when a good plan is made, the business is delayed;
8. the warehouse of materials and finished goods is piled up in disorder, the accounts and materials are not consistent, and the unused articles are piled up, occupying a large amount of space;
9. the equipment on the production site is very thick and has not been cleaned for a long time. The useful and useless articles are stored at the same time, and the places of activity e very small;
10. production vehicles blocked roads, pedestrians, handling can not pass.
If you are surrounded by these little things every day, your work mood will be affected, greatly reducing work efficiency. The effective way to solve the above symptoms is to implement 5S management.
Three, what is 5S?
A) organize: work site, distinguish between things that don't need, retain useful things, remove unnecessary things;
(b) rectification: put the things to be used, according to the provisions of the place neatly, and do a good job of logo management;
(c) cleaning: remove