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【中图分类号】F127 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1004-454X(2007)04-0016-006

The Significance of “Program to Develop Border Areas and Improve the Lives of the People There”
Zhu Yufu
Abstract:“The Program to Develop Border Areas and Improve the Lives of the People There” is a program of border development in order to coordinate the strategy of west development
,and speed up the border area social economy development,which initiated by the National mittee in 2000 according to the spirit of the Central mittee’s. The Central mittee and the State Council have highly taken with the “Program to Develop Border Areas and Improve the Lives of the People There”. The “Program to Develop Border Areas and Improve the Lives of the People There” has made great achievement,has became a accelerator of social economy development in border areas. There are very important significance for improveing the lives of the people and developing border areas,and strengthening nation and good-neighbourness,and consolidating motherland ten thousand miles border areas to implement the “Program to develop border Areas and Improve the Lives of the People There”.
Key words:The Program to Develop Border Areas and Improve the Lives of the People There;Achievement;Vital significance

