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圣诞颂歌 PPT.ppt

上传人:yzhluyin9 2017/11/14 文件大小:14.74 MB


圣诞颂歌 PPT.ppt


文档介绍:Scrooge was a hard,clever,mean old man. There was nothing warm or open about lived a lonely life,and took no interest in other people at Christmas Eve, his business partner’s ghost, Marley, died seven years ago, visited him and took him to the past, current and future. This was an endless and horrific night.
In Scrooge‘s office,
Bob tries to warm his
hands over the candle.
Scene I Act one
Scrooge: What are you doing there,Bob?
Bob: I'm warming my hands,sir. It's so cold here.
Scrooge: Am I paying you 15 shillings a week for warming your hands?
Bob: I'm freezing. My hands are too cold to write.
Scrooge: Too cold to write? Humbug! If you were working harder, you wouldn't be cold. Just put on your overcoat. If I hear another word from you, you will go where it is really cold.
Bob: Excuse me, sir, eh ... tomorrow it's Christmas.
Scrooge: So what? You'll want all day off tomorrow, I suppose?
Bob: If quite convenient, sir.
Scrooge: It's not convenient, and it's not fair. I have to pay you a whole day's wages for no work at all.
a young es in
Scene I Act two
Fred: A Merry Christmas, Uncle!
Scrooge: Bah! Humbug!
Fred: Christmas a humbug, Uncle? You don't mean that.
Scrooge: I do. Why do you call it ‘merry’ Christmas? You're poor enough。
Fred: Don’t be cross, Uncle.
Scrooge: Merry Christmas? A time for finding yourself a year older and not a penny richer.
Scrooge:Nephew, Keep Christmas in your own way and let me keep it in mine.
Fred: Please don't say that! I've always thought of Christmas as a time to be helpful and kind to other 's the only time of the year when men and women open their hearts freely to each I say, God bless Christmas!
Scrooge: Stop that foolish clapping! You’re quite a powerful speaker, wonder on don’t go into Parliament.
Fred: Don’t be cross, e, dine with us tomorrow.
Scrooge: I’ll see you in hell first. Good afternoon!
Fred: Uncle! Well ,we will waiting for you tomorrow!
Scrooge: Good afte


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