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上传人:ranfand 2017/11/15 文件大小:147 KB




OK, everybody, we seem to plete. Can we get started?
OK, if you like, we can start now.
Since the majority of the required number is present, the meeting is formally declared to be convened.
The purpose of this plenary session is to make a general review of our activities during this past year, and to propose new plans for activities during ing year.
We’ve scheduled one and a half hours for the meeting.
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen,
I'm very happy to have this opportunity and I feel it's an honor to speak with all of you...
Hello, everyone,
This evening we are getting here to celebrate our President's, Mr. Ivan's 50th birthday. We all know that Mr. Ivan is a deligent man who devotes his life to our school for almost 15 years. He does more than he says and always tries to make us feel at home, and indeed we like this school. It's just like a big family. Mr. Ivan plains even in the most difficult situation. Dring the Great Depression  last year, he paid us less, but he never let us leave, and never would we. Today is his birthday, and w
e think nothing can be better than this party to express our gratitute to his devotion. What can we say? Let's just e Mr. Ivan to


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