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cosplay 铠甲 制作(铠甲 制作 cosplay...).doc

上传人:rjmy2261 2017/11/17 文件大小:26 KB


cosplay 铠甲 制作(铠甲 制作 cosplay...).doc


文档介绍:cosplay 铠甲制作(铠甲制作 cosplay...)
The general kind of shiny metal lettering shop sell the paper, your armor If Chinese a piece of paper that the shell large chest a piece of cut molding, and then paste the paper, and then use the pen not oil the pattern printed on it, when ratio of pigment a uniform, direct painting pieces, if the true best and every piece of armor on the four corners "nail, with normal bases on the clothes on the line, what the stationery stores have to sell, then paper shell with thickness on the edge of spray paint, the best armor with a rope. Again, notice cuffs or something must be wrapped with cloth, it is also easy to wear. Besides the western style that offer a piece of armor, generally relatively large, the pattern is more, so you can't use too thin materials, can appear otherwise ponent, so the cardboard must be thick, like with PVC materials, do light place there, and you'd better take the shape of each piece of armor the size of planned, sometimes met big scrap the owner will give you (and I have encountered such a situation, the sticker sheet) cut a good shape, I first explain, best buy Stickers thicker, or paper shell or plate color through the past, the first time I did it because this problem had to rework, cup... The pattern is also not oil Pen Engraved traces, if you'd better use acrylic paint with words, remember and don't add too much liquid, t


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