Part 1
These cells(progenitor cells) delaminate from the hypaxial edge of the dorsal part of the somite, the dermomyotome, and migrate into the limb bud, where they proliferate, express myogenic determination factors and subsequently differentiate into skeletal muscle
The epaxial dermomyotome, adjacent to the neural tube and notochord, gives rise to the deep back muscles whereas the rest of the musculature of the body and the limbs derives from the hypaxial extremity of the dermomyotome
The first muscle mass to form,under the dermomyotome, is the myotome, which has an epaxial and a ponent, subsequently integrated into the trunk musculature Opposite the limb buds, muscle progenitor cells delaminate from the epithelium of the hypaxial dermomyotome and migrate into the limb field, to the positions where the dorsal and ventral muscle masses will form initially. It is the mesenchymal cells of the limb which are thought to provide the positional cues for the muscle progenitor ing from the somite
Both delamination and migration depend on the presence of c-met, a tyrosine kinase receptor which interacts with its ligand HGF, also called scatter factor, produced by non-somitic mesodermal cells which thus delineate the migratory route
Transcription of the c-met gene depends on Pax3
Cells that migrate from the somite have not yet activated the myogenic determination genes and it is only when they reach the limb that they begin to express MyoD and Myf5
又称ATP酶 ATP ADP + Pi + 能量
被Ca++激活, 而被Mg++抑制
Ⅰ型(红肌)----收缩慢, 活动持久, 其酶活性低, 染色淡
Ⅱ型(白肌)----收缩快, 活动不持久, 其酶活性高, 染色深
:将新鲜骨骼肌组织用双面刀片切成约1mm厚的薄片,入固定液中固定10mi n,4℃.固定液配制:多聚甲醛4g;;;蔗糖 ;双蒸水加至100ml,. ,-20℃恒冷箱切片(8μm),室温下自然干燥30min. :,0 .18mol/L氯化钙水溶液2ml,蒸馏水6ml, . :