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本系统以图书馆管理系统地设计与实现为题,运用C#语言地相关技术及SQL Server2008数据库进行开发,本系统采用地是C/S构架,、排行榜以及图书馆信息,服务端平台提供给操作员和系统管理员,主要功能有图书管理、图书流通管理、读者管理、,,图书借阅排行榜根据同本图书借阅次数来排行.
关键词:C#;数据库;图书馆管理系统;SQL Server 2008
With the development of society, people live in the continuous improvement of the level of material and cultural development has been far failed to meet the people's needs, and spiritual civilization has developed rapidly, the development of the cause of books on spiritual civilization and progress as a driving force. In the 21st century, the management of the library is extremely important, not only reflect the reasonable management of a country's scientific and technological level, but also affect people's knowledge of the speed and quality control. The advent of the era of the knowledge-based economy today, with puter-controlled by the library automation system operation and pletion. This not only saves manpower, but also improve the efficiency and quality of service, but also accelerate the flow of the book.
The system on Library Management System Design and Implementation for related technologies, the use of the C # language and SQL Server2008 database development, the system uses the C / S structure, divided into client and server parts. The client platform provides to readers for books, ranking as well as a library of information, server platform available to the operator and the system administrator, the main function of library management, management of circulation, readership, library card management, and system parameters set. In order to attract the reader, the system provides readers rankings and books to borrow rankings. Readers rankings based on the number of b