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104.6 m沿海散货船船体结构规范设计毕业论文.doc

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104.6 m沿海散货船船体结构规范设计毕业论文.doc

上传人:cdsqbyl 2015/4/15 文件大小:0 KB


104.6 m沿海散货船船体结构规范设计毕业论文.doc


本文通过《钢质海船与入级建造规范》(2006), m沿海散货船船体结构进行规范设计。探讨现阶段双壳船船体结构形式以及趋向多用途散货船船体结构形式的一些问题; m沿海散货船船体构件计算书,对船体结构绘制货舱、机舱、船首部典型横剖面图,基本结构图,典型横舱壁结构图。同时,文中也介绍了本船规范设计的全过程,通过分析本船结构特点,最终可以提高结构的可靠性和稳定性,并对此种方案的合理性做出解释。
The bulk carrier went through the stage of the typical single-hull bulk carriers to the stage of double-hull bulk carriers. As the rapid progress of the shipping sector driven by the rapid growth of the world economy, the demand for the bulk carriers is severely increasing. Its structure of hull is also constantly renewed, optimized and improved. The typical bulk carriers brought about all sorts of hidden dangers and insecurity problem because of its single-hull form. So the emergence of double-hull bulk carrier is fit to the majority owner of preference. At the same time, the demand of the owners is no longer just able to carry a single bulk, but will carry casual, groceries, set the container integrated with multi-purposes bulk carrier.
Based on S “Rules and Regurations for the Construction and Classification of steel ship”(2006). The hull structure of the meters coastal bulk carrier was designed. Author discussed the same problems at hull structure of this stage double-hull carrier and trends of multi-purpose bulk carrier's, working out the calculated book about ponent of the meters coastal bulk carrier. Mapping the typical cross-sectional diagram of the bay、cabin and the bow of carrier, basic structure diagram, typical cross bulkhead structure diagram. Meanwhile, it also introduced a standardized design of the ship throughout the whole process. By analyzing this structural characteristics ship of the ship, the dependability and stability of the structure can be eventually improved, and the rationality of this kind of sc


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