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VI is the abbreviation of Visual Identity, which refers to visual identification, including identification (logo), standard words, standard colors, auxiliary graphics and so on a series of norms and applications.
Fundamentals of VI design
The design of enterprise logo (LOGO)
The corporate logo is through the visual symbol modeling simple and clear standard, the management philosophy, corporate culture, business content, enterprise scale, product characteristics and other factors, transfer to the public, to identify and recognize the patterns and characters of enterprise. The enterprise logo represents the whole enterprise. For the enterprises that produce and modities, they refer to the trademark patterns modities.
Corporate logo has abstract, figurative and non pictorial font marks.
Enterprise logo is the core of visual image, which constitutes the basic characteristics of enterprise image, and reflects the internal quality of enterprise. Enterprise logo is not only the dominant force to mobilize all visual elements, but also the center of integrating all visual elements, and is the representative of the public recognition of corporate brand. Therefore, enterprise logo design is of great significance in the design of the whole visual identification system.
Enterprise logo has the following characteristics:
(1) identifiability
Identification is the basic function of enterprise logo. With the unique symbol, to distinguish the enterprise and its product identification ability, is the modern enterprise petition "sharp weapon"". Therefore, the overall planning and design of visual symbols, must have a unique personality and a strong impact, in the CI design, logo is the most visual cognition, identification information transmission function design elements.
(two) leadership
Enterprise logo is the core of enterprise munication elements, and also the dominant force for enterprise to carry out munication. The sign of leadership is the concentrated