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pcb设计(pcb design).doc

上传人:rjmy2261 2017/11/23 文件大小:31 KB


pcb设计(pcb design).doc


文档介绍:pcb设计(pcb design)
Design to the South
A PCB wiring
In the PCB design, wiring is an important step plete product design, it can be said that the preparatory work is done for it,
In the whole PCB, the design process of wiring is the highest, the skill is the smallest, and the workload is the biggest. PCB wiring has one side wiring, double
Surface wiring and multi layer routing. There are two wiring modes: automatic routing and interactive routing, which can be used before automatic routing
In order to avoid reflection, the mutual lines should be wired in advance, and the sideline between the input end and the output side should be avoided parallel
Interference. If necessary, the ground wire should be isolated, and the wiring of the two adjacent layers should be perpendicular to each other, so it is easy to produce parasitic coupling in parallel.
Automatic routing rate, depends on good layout, wiring rules can be set in advance, including the number of bends, wire guide
The number of vias, the number of steps, etc.. Generally, the exploratory warp cloth is used to connect the short line quickly,
and then the labyrinth cloth is used
First, the global routing route is optimized, and the line can be disconnected according to the need. And try to do it again
Line, to improve the overall effect.
For the current high-density PCB design, it has been found that the through hole is not suitable, it wastes a lot of valuable wiring channels, for solution
In this contradiction, the blind hole and the buried hole technology have appeared. It not pletes the function of the through hole, but also saves many wiring channels to make the wiring
The process is more convenient, more fluent and more perfect. The design process of PCB board is plicated and simple process
Want to have a good grasp of it, but also the vast number of electronic engineering designers to experience their own, in order to get the true meaning of it.
1 power supply and ground wire processing


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