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海港区 2014--2015海港区初三期中试卷.doc

上传人:xunlai783 2017/11/24 文件大小:83 KB


海港区 2014--2015海港区初三期中试卷.doc



I . 听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。(5分)
( )1. A. trick B. treat C. trade
( ). talk back B. shout back C. take back
( ). He didn’t tell me how to get there .
B. He showed me the way there .
C. He suggested taking a bus there .
( ). We didn’t think the tennis player did a good job .
B. We were proud of the tennis player.
C. The tennis player was proud of her own skills .
( ). Tom was taught to take care of himself at the age of eight .
B. Tom couldn’t look after himself when he was eight .
C. Tom could take care of himself before he was eight .
II. 听句子,选出该句子的最佳答语。(5分)
( ). By hand. B. By his hand. C. By mistake .
( ). Very shy . B. English .C. On foot .
( ). It’s my pleasure . B. I disagree . C. No, you can’t do that .
( ). In 1876 . B. In England . C. munication .
( ). No, I don’t want to buy this kind of pen .
B. You’d better buy another pen .
C. Sure . In the supermarket near our school .
III. 听对话和问题,选择正确的选项。(5分)
( )1.
( )2.
( ):00 . B. 5:00 . C. 4:30 .
( ). A blue skirt . B. A red skirt . C. A black skirt .
( )’s easy and convenient . B. It can’t save time . C. It’s quite safe .
IV. 听短文填空(5分)
Information Sheet
In the beginning , kites used to wood and bamboo , and be 2_________ passing messages and warning during ancient wars .
Later kite


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