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文档介绍:04-01-04 试题答案(B)

16. A lawyer. / Lawyer. / He was a lawyer.
17. In Central Park on Fifth (5th) Avenue.
18. To house the museum’s growing collections.
19. artistic medium
20. (advanced) research (project)
A. Ann likes orange T-shirts best.
B. Ann hates to wear an orange T-shirt in the daytime.
C. The man doesn’t like an orange T-shirt.
D. Ann wears an orange T-shirt to keep mosquitoes away.
2. A. To entertain himself.
B. To go to other countries.
C. To broaden his mind.
D. To e more valuable.
3. A. He agrees with the woman.
B. He turns a deaf ear to what the woman said.
C. He thinks the woman is thoughtless.
D. He doesn’t think she knows the direction.
4. A. The car is not big enough.
B. The car is not good enough.
C. He can’t afford to buy the car.
D. He only promised to buy a small car.
5. A. 315,000 B. 350,000
C. 3,500,000 D. 3,150,000
6. A. He will not take the shower before the meeting.
B. He will not go to the meeting at all.
C. He will be late for the meeting again.
D. He will have to attend the meeting.
7. A. He is more efficient in writing.
B. He is in a bad mood.
C. He enjoys himself more.
D. He doesn’t fortable.
8. A. He got to know it from government statistics.
B. He found the fact on the .
C. He got the fact by studying in the library.
D. He learned it from a gift book.
9. A. He will lie to his parents
B. He will persuade his parents.
C. He will go without his parents’ permission.
D. He will go somewhere else before going skiing.
Mini-talk One
10. A. How to take care of little babies.
B. How to e qualified parents.
C. Many parents don’t know how to help babies develop in intelligence.
D. A single parent should pay more attention to the baby’s development.
11. A. Holding them. B. Watching them.
C. Reading to them. D. Playing with them.
12. A. The first five months.
B. The first year.
C. The first five years.
D. The first three yea


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