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文档介绍:The American Charachter
New words:
eagerly. adv 渴望地,热切地
prosperity .n 繁荣,兴旺
Los 洛杉矶
declaration of independence. 独立宣言
statement. n声明(思想,观点)
treat. v 对待
privilege. n 特权,权益
deny. v 拒绝
automobile. n 汽车
American Dream
Since 1776, generations of Americans have believed, as long as after hard struggle to obtain a better life, that is, people have to go through their own hard work, courage, creativity and the will to move towards prosperity, rather than tied to a particular social class and the assistance of 200 years, "United States dreams" has been inspiring young people around the world e to this land to create their own value, United States has e the cradle of global ess.
Despite the criticism of some United States dreams excessive emphasis on material wealth measured the role of triumph and joy, but many Americans do believe that this chance of ess in the other countries of the world is not found does not exist.
Because, unlike most other countries, is, in the United States has considerable economic freedom United States dreams, the government's role is limited, which makes the United States great social mobility, anyone can through their own efforts towards the States independent until the late 19th century, large areas of land in uninhabited and have, any of them can be occupied and investment and plow.
pioneering spirit
The pioneering spirit of the immigrant is still an important part of the American for the slaves brought form Africa,immigrants came to America voluntarily eagerly,in search of greater prosperity and freedom.
In the mid-eenth pioneering spirit led American settlers to travel westward by the thousands in search of land and gold. This westward movement has never Northerners and Midwesterners are attracted to the West because of good business opportunites and a mild climate.
in American society


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