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M10 unit 3 导学案.doc

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M10 unit 3 导学案.doc


文档介绍:M10 unit 3 Protecting ourselves
Period 1 e and reading
导学案使用说明: 学案使用分为三部分课前预****课堂学****和课后作业。课前预****着重生词和文章大意;课堂部分着重检测学生对文章的掌握程度和教师引导下的课堂活动对文章的深层理解,课后偏重课文复****及作业布置。
Study before class (课前预****br/>Preview Aims : Knowing the words of the text and understanding the main idea of the text .
Preview tasks :
Task 1 : Read the words on page 76 from “Aids ” to “penny ”fluently and learn about their meaning and usages .
Test of the words and expressions :According the explanation of the words ,find the suitable words
remote , a long distance away _________
spread illness or disease to people ________
agree with , support _________
judgments that are not based on exact numbers or figures _________
a medical treatment that can get rid of illness __________
cry , especially in a noisy way __________
wash sb’s body with water _________
Task 2 Read “e to the unit “, discussing the four pictures with your group members and answering question from 1-3 on page 33.
Task 3 Read the text and answer the questions on page 34 part A
Task 4 Read the text again finishing part C1.
Study in class (课堂学****br/>Step 1 Discussion in groups about what are wrong to our body and lead- in .(group discussion about e to the unit )
Step 2 Detailed information you got from the preview .(individual activities)
1 Some knowledge about Aids.
Ways of spread
Efforts of people
2 Finishing Part C2 .
Step 3 Structure of the text (teacher-student activities )
Part 1(Para 1) An example
Part 2(Para 2~5) Detailed information about Aids
Part 3(Para 6~9)Measures taken to fight Aids
Part4 (10):Good news to us about Ajani and his sister.
Step 4 Further understanding of each part .
does Paragraph 1 talk about?
purpose does Paragraph 1 serve as in the passage ?
provide background information of the topic
put forward the topic and attract readers’ attention to it
use an example to support the topic
D. To offer basic knowledge of the topic
3. What