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Virtual-digital storage oscilloscope
Virtual digital storage oscilloscope-the structure position:Virtual digital oscilloscope PXI bus from a multi-functional data acquisition card and the corresponding software. They will be installed on a PC running Windows, constitutes a powerful can store digital oscilloscope.
Data Acquisition
The design of NI is used by pany's multi-purpose data acquisitioncardPXI-6670E, its main functions are as follows: 64-way single-ended / 32-way differential analog input; 12 accuracy; MSPS sampling speed; MSPS disk write speed ; ± ~ ± 10V input range; two-way 12 analog outputs; eight digital I/-way 24 counter /timer.
Functional equipment
In this case virtual digital oscilloscope with real-time data acquisition, spectralanalysis and window treatment and filtering capabilities. In the virtual digital oscilloscope main panel on data collection and analysis of the spectrum, and window processing, filtering and other function keys, according to the corresponding button we can enter into the appropriate sub-panel.
Software Design and Implementation
Virtual digital oscilloscope software design based on the use of C-language programming environment LabWindows / CVI. LabWindows / CVI support numerical type, Boolean, and the string of text, and other data types, but the biggest advantage is through dialog forms of interactive operations generate standard C code. In addition LabWindows / CVI provides a very rich debug tools, including single-step, breakpoints, variable view, monitor window, and so on, these features make the adjustment process has e more vulnerable.
The main function modules
Virtual digital oscilloscope mainly by the software control signals pletion of the acquisition and display processing, data collection in the main panel plete the following features: Setting up access, set up sampling frequency, set up a manner that waveform, data collection in the main panel plete the following