文档介绍:Linux Filesystem Management
badblocks Used to search a disk or partition for badblocks. (badblocks device) (badblocks hda)
df Shows the disk free space on one or more filesystems. (df –k, df -h)
du Shows how much disk space a directory and all its files contain. (du <directory>, du –sk <directory>, du –sh <directory>)
fsck Filesystem check. Must not be run on a mounted file system. (fsck <filesystem>)
Linux Filesystem Management
sync Synchronize data on disk with memory. `sync' writes any data buffered in memory out to disk.
mount Used to mount a filesystem. Complement is umount. (mount <filesystem>, mount –a)
umount Unmounts a filesystem. Complement is mount. (umount <filesystem>)
Network mands
dnsdomainname Show the systems DNS domain name
hostname Used to show or set the name of your machine working
nisdomainname Show or set systems NIS/YP domain name
ypdomainname Show or set the system's NIS/YP domain name
Network mands
arp This program lets the user read or modify their arp cache.
dig Send domain name query packets to name servers for debugging or testing.
finger Display information about the system users. Ex: finger Deepak
ftp File transfer program. (ftp <remote system name/ip)
ifconfig Configure work interface. Ex:
ifconfig eth0 address
ifdown Shutdown work interface. Ex: ifdown eth0
ifup Brings work interface up. Ex: ifup eth0
Network mands
netconf A GUI interactive program to let you configure work on Redhat systems.
netconfig Another GUI step by work configuration program.
netstat Displays information about the work connections, including port connections, routing tables, and more. mand "netstar -r" will display the routing table. (netsat –rn)
nslookup Used to query DNS servers for information about hosts.
Network mands
ping Send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets work hosts. (ping <remote-host-name/ip)
route Show or manipulate the IP routing table. (route, route add, route del)