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Rio CanivalPPT课件.ppt

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Rio CanivalPPT课件.ppt



文档介绍:Rio Canival(巴西狂欢节) 17th - 22nd February 2012

When people think carnival ,they think Rio De Janeiro.
It said that Brazilian carnival originated from 15th century in Europe. Roman pope(罗马教皇) ordered people to celebrate three days before the Lent(封斋月) . So Christians began dancing and singing jolly. The whole city of Rome immersed(沉浸在) in a sea of joy.
From then on, carnival was formally identify (正式确定)and was widely spread in Europe..
Then,Portuguese (葡萄牙人)brought it to Brazil. In 1641, Salvador 【n. 萨尔瓦多(中美洲) 】 held a horse and the float, which has developed Brazil to celebrate the beginning of carnival. And so, as time passes by , Brazilian carnival has ing unprecedented(空前的)、unreligious(非宗教的)national celebration .
Styles by State
Rhythm, participation, and costumes vary from one region to another.
such as :
de Janeiro style(里约热内卢狂欢节)
ão Paulo style(圣保罗狂欢节)
Gerais style(米纳斯吉拉斯狂欢节)
style (巴伊亚狂欢节)
Rio de Janeiro style
It originally imitated (模仿)the European form of the festival, later absorbing and improving elements derived(形成) from native American and African cultures.
:On 17th February,Rio de janeiro mayor Eduardo Paes (巴西里约热内卢市市长埃德华多•帕埃斯)gave the key to King Momo(莫莫王) who will preside over carnival which marks 2012 Rio carnival began.
Who is King Momo?
He is the soul of carnival. He will preside over carnival. "King Momo" will appear in every scene in the carnival , including in the ballroom parades(舞场内游行), community outdoor stage(社区露天舞台), and in the streets of the beach and other carnival activities.
The most famous element in carnival is samba. From on 16th century,originated in the west coast of Africa and brought to Brazil by slaves. Samba absorbs the Portuguese(葡萄牙) and native American music dance art style, gradually envolved(演变) into Brazilian samba.
some pictures of 2012 Rio Canival