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Let science be popular!
Super Brain is the first reality show about science in China. Although it is from Germany, it is very popular with Chinese people. This program is broadcast quarterly from January to March. In this show, we can see various e and show their miraculous genius that we can not believe and imagine. And those scientists will tell us something from scientific view. Finally, they will choose 12 people and make up Chinese super brain team. Then they pete with the team from Italy, Spain and Germany to choose the super brain in the world.
In this show, many stars are invited. Because in this way can it attract more people to pay attention to science.
Before the contestants show their talent, the three observers give the predictable scores. Then gives the score of difficulty. Two kind of scores multiply, then is the final score of the contestant.
This show has the first pared with other shows at the same time. And The State Administration of Radio Film and Television has given it green light to broadcast on gold time.
When people watch this show, the most words they say is that “is it true?”. So do I. Every time I watch it, I am shocked and excited. Because in my daily life, I've never seen this kind of talent. Also, I myself don't have this kind of super brain. However, some people don't believe and suspect them and think this show is a fool show. But I want to say, maybe there is someone that we don't think he is talent enough, but we can see perseverance and hardworking from them. We should respect and learn from them.
He is a professor of politics in Fudan University. And he is the specially invited critic TV. From 2001 to 2005 he works as the plotter of the program YangLan’s December 2013,he worked as the host of Jiangsu TV.
He is a professor of psychology in Peking University. And he mainly study how human being’s head works and how people control it. In this show, he is the science judge. He gives