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高中英语必修三Unit2Using language课件PPT课件.ppt

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高中英语必修三Unit2Using language课件PPT课件.ppt

上传人:yuzonghong1 2017/12/10 文件大小:1.71 MB


高中英语必修三Unit2Using language课件PPT课件.ppt



文档介绍:Using language
Reading (2)
Come and eat here
Task 1:Pre-reading
You are what you eat. 人如其食。
First wealth is health.
Reading 2
You are what you eat. 人如其食。
To be continued
Tired of all that fat?
Want to lose weight?
Come inside Yonghui’s slimming restaurant.
Only slimming foods served here.
Make yourself thin again!
Want to feel fit and energetic?
Come and eat here! Discounts today!
Our food gives you energy all day!
Who wins?
Can you guess what will happen to Wang Peng and Yong Hui?
…Wang Peng’s restaurant was _________ . He felt happy because he was able to ____________ and did not look forward to ____________. He smiled as he ________ some customers warmly at the door.
earn his living
being in debt
nearly full
A week later:
petition between the two restaurants was on.
Task 3:Detail reading
1. How did Yong Hui feel when she came to Wang’s restaurant? Why?
She felt ________because she thought Wang Peng e into her restaurant to_____________ her.
spy on
Wang Peng explained that
he found her menu so limited that he stopped worrying and started advertising the benefits of his food.
How did Yong Hui feel when she had the meal in Wang’s restaurant?
They sit down and try a meal
“I feel sick with ______________________.
I miss my _________________________.
all this fat and heavy food
vegetables and fruit
I do have to ________ a lot.
But don’t you think it would be better_____________________?”
if you were a bit thinner


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