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文档介绍:People are like music. Some speak the truth while others are just noise. 人就跟音乐一样,有些表达的是真相,有些发出的只是噪音。
Smiling does not necessarily mean you're ,it just means you're strong.——微笑不一定就是开心,有时,微笑只说明你很坚强。
Learning to be resolute and independent, to smile, and to give up on love that is not worth it, are signs of maturity.——一个人成熟的标志,是学会狠心,学会独立,学会微笑,学会丢弃不值得的感情。
When you develop unshakable self-confidence, your whole world will change for the better.——当你培养了不可撼动的自信,你的整个世界都会变得更好!
Life is funny if you know how to laugh at it——若懂得笑看人生,生活其实很有趣。
Life is rich, don't bother. Holiday leisure, wait. The friend is forever, don't forget.--------生活是丰富的,别烦。假期是休闲的,别忙。朋友是永远的,别忘。
I want to refresh my mind, delete all my problems, undo all my mistakes, and save all the happy moments——我想刷新自己的思维,删除自己的毛病,撤销犯下的错误,保存所有欢乐的时光。
Some things, you hide it in my heart, perhaps better, so a long time, es the story.........有些事,你把它藏在心里,也许还更好,等时间长了,也就变成了故事....
Memory is in the palm to pour the water whether you spread out or hold still drop by drop will slip through your fingers by living in flowed clean.——记忆像是倒在掌心的水不论你摊开还是紧握,终究还是会从指缝中,一滴一滴,流淌干净。
What is said, however, by myself or by others matters little...to accept it plaint, fear, or reluctance.——自己怎么说,别人怎么说,都无关紧要。既来则安,无怨无惧,也不耿耿于怀。
Say to yourself: Regardless of what the obstacles in this life may be, I will run my race to the best of my abili
