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文档介绍:外文出处:De Bonis R, Silvestrini A. finance and its influence on traditional banking [J]. Applied Financial Economics, 2016,3(5): 409-425.
finance and its influence on traditional banking De Bonis R, Silvestrini A
Abstr acts
With the rapid development of information technology, financial model gradually rise. This paper summarizes the financial model on the basis of the concept, features and functions of financial model in strategy, customer channels, financing, pricing and financial disintermediation of the impact of the mercial bank. This paper argues that financial model in the short term will not stand in the way mercial bank's traditional business model and profit, but in the long mercial Banks should use of the financial model, in order to obtain the new development. At the same time, the sustained and healthy development of the industry to rely on financial enterprise self-discipline, positive innovation, but also attract more customers, strengthen the construction of system security.
Key wor ds: Financial innovation; financial; Financial disintermediation
At present, mobile payment, online banking, mobile banking and financial business in China's booming financial innovations such as cloud, thus formed a new kind of financial model -- the finance. Big data era and brand creation, spread to the development of financial institutions is both a challenge and opportunity. Along with the development of the financial, emerging traditional panies and financial institutions will be a petition, the future may even change the traditional financial management mode and operation pattern.
The financial concepts, features and functions The concept of the financial.
After years of development, panies stay in business does not provide
technical support to financial institutions and service level, the data accumulated through the depth of mining information, to expand our business to the financial sector, build financial models and e the emerging field