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上传人:gyzhluyin 2017/12/14 文件大小:1.28 MB




Part One:
Where is your hometown?
Are there many interesting places in your hometown?
Are you studying or are you working?
Where do you study?
What is your major?
Do you like it? Do you always want to be an engineer?
Why do you like this major?
Why did you choose your major?
Is it easy to find a good job with this major?
What is the most interesting thing about your study?
What kind of job would you like to do in the future?
Is it necessary for young students to further their studies abroad?
What have you learnt from your major?
What do you do, are you still studying or already finished?
How was your first day to work, good or not?
Were you nervous the first day at work?
Do you think first day to work is important?
Do you plan to take any training course?
Why do you like your job?
How is your job?
Will you change your job in the future?
What style of clothes do you like?
Do you like stylish clothing?
Do you like to follow fashion?
What types of clothes do Chinese like?
What are the changes in pared to the past?
What colour do you like best with your clothes?
What is the difference between traditional clothes and fashionable clothing?
Do you like eating at home or at the restaurants?
*Fruits/ vegetables(沈阳,西安,天津,北京,郑州,武汉)
Do you eat vegetables and fruits every day?
Do you like eating vegetables and fruit?
What vegetables did you like as a child?
Do you eat fruits and vegetables?
Are they easy to get?
What are the benefits of eating fresh fruits and vegetables?
Where do you live now?
Can you describe the place you live in? 第二部分卡片提前
Do you think you will always live there?
Will you live there permanently? Why?
Do you live in an apartment or a house?
Can you introduce your apartment? 第二部分卡片提前
How are the surroundi
