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1 Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.
Crisis resent motion proceed self-evident
Emerge stick feasibility survive owe
Slightly appoint hazard host existence
Influence spring perform hesitate name
Obtain impulse smash widen faint
Reject conflict crash action threaten
1. Many young writers of that time were ____influenced by Hemingway, who they thought had revolutionized the technique of writing.
2. His parents ___named him after his great grandfather, who was a Supreme Court Justice.
3. Racial discrimination in America has led many people to conclude that that all men are created equal is a ___self-evident lie.
4. The plane ___crashed into a building when it was landing. Not a single passenger ___survived the tragedy.
5. The attention of the guests was drawn to the corner of the room where a heated argument had ___spring up.
6. The ___host did not sit down until he was sure that all the guests fortably seated in the room.
7. Think twice before you take action. To act on _____impulse is not likely to do you any good.
8. Unexpected weather conditions have made our task difficult to ____perform.
9. The southern states ___threaten to declare independence if Lincoln became President.
10. The chairman of mittee _____rejected the idea as unfeasible.
11. You should not _____resent criticism. It will only do you good if you learn to take it wisely.
12. e Washington ______ appointed Thomas Jefferson to be his secretary of state.
13. _____Conflicting interests drew the two friends apart.
14. Is the elephant the biggest land animal in _____ existence today?
15. _____ Action speak louder than words.
16. She has gone out of her way to help me. At least I _____owe her my thanks.
17. I was brought up to think that a person should not ____ hesitate to speak the truth.
18. Since he is unable to _____obtain financial support, going to college remain


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