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ast data updates- 12 February 2015.doc

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ast data updates- 12 February 2015.doc


文档介绍:Last data updates: 14 March 2015
Ho, . and McKay, G. (1999), The sorption of lead(II) ions on peat. Water Research, 33 (2), 578-584.
Document type: Article
Language: English
Cited References: 9
Times Cited: 559
Times self cited: 10
Abstract: The sorption of lead ions from aqueous solution onto peat has been studied. ic studies have been carried out using an agitated batch and the effect of varying process parameters has been investigated; these include initial lead ion concentration, peat particle size, solution temperature and agitation speed. The data were analyzed using a pseudo-first order Lagergren equation and the data were correlated using a two-step first order reaction mechanism.
Keywords: Sorption, First Order, ics, Lead, Peat, Adsorption, Removal
Ho YS, Dahin Grp, 9F, 99 Chang An E Rd, Sec 2, Taipei, Taiwan
Hong Kong Univ Sci & Technol, Dept Chem Engn, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Han, S., Li, X. and Wang, Y. (2015), A ic Graphene Oxide-Based Molecularly Imprinted posite for Recognition and Separation of Diethylstilbestrol. Science of Advanced Materials, 7 (5), 861-868.
Lasheen, ., El-Sherif, ., Sabry, ., El-Wakeel, . and El-Shahat, . (2015), Removal of heavy metals from aqueous solution by multiwalled carbon nanotubes: equilibrium, isotherms, and ics. Desalination and Water Treatment, 53 (13), 3521-3530.
Xiong, ., He, ., Pi, ., Li, ., Yao, ., Jiang, . and Zheng, . (2015), Adsorption of Neodymium(III) on Acrylic Resin (110 Resin) from Aqueous Solutions. Separation Science and Technology, 50 (4), 564-572.
Wang, ., Wei, ., Ma, ., Li, ., Li, ., Ma, ., Feng, K. and Wang, . (2015), Pb2+ adsorption onto collagen/cellulose hydrogel beads from aqueous solution: ic, isothermal, and thermodynamic analyses. Desalination and Water Treatment, 53 (6), 1641-1652.
Song, ., Liu, . and Zhang, Y. (2015), Ion-Exchange Adsorption of Calcium Ions from Water and Geothermal Water with Modified Zeo


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