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21.(1分) --- Whose jacket is this?
   --- It ________ Mark’s. He never wears jackets.
    A. can’t be            B. must be               C. mustn’t be
 22.(1分) We would like to go       and stay there for about three weeks.
    A. somewhere peaceful   B. thrilling somewhere     C. somewhere fascinated
 23.(1分) The police are questioning the boy when the accident _______.
    A. happen            B. was happened          C. happened
 24.(1分) Everyone in our class hopes __________ better soon.
    A. her to get          B. she will get             C. she get
 25.(1分) I think this desk is           , it has their names on the surface.
    A. Li and Liz’s      B. Li’s and Liz’s         C. Li and Liz
 26.(1分) There were          people in the park on New Year’s Day, it was quite crowded.
    A. seven thousands      B. seven thousand of       C. thousands of
 27.(1分) The house        they are living is new.
    A. that                  B. where                 C. which
 28.(1分) e to my home. Help          to some fruits, Billy and Bob.
    A. yourself             B. yourselves            C. your
 29.(1分) It’s not good at all for people to eat things __________.
    A. that is fried        B. that are tasty        C. that have too much fat
 30.(1分) When John was only six, he could play      guitar very well..
    A. a   


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