软件:Maxon Cinema 4D
在这个快速教程,我们将学习用Cinema 4D建模一个基本的枕头/靠垫对象。运用简单的材料后,我们将探讨使用Maxon公司的“高级渲染”系统添加一个字段(DOF)深入到我们的最终渲染。
Step 1
Create a cube with 760cm x 280cm x 760cm sizes and 50 x 1 x 50 segments.
创建一个立方体,760cm x 280cm x 760cm尺寸,50 x 1 x 50段。
Step 2
After making your object editable (shortcut “C”) select the “loop selection” tool.
在使你的对象可编辑后(快捷键C),选择“loop selection”工具。
Step 3
Select all of the side faces on the cube object by clicking one of the side polygons.
Step 4
Add the “Cloth” tag to our cube by right-clicking it’s name in the “Objects” tab, and selecting the option shown.
Step 5
After selecting the “Cloth” tag, switch to the “Dresser” Tab and turn on “Dress Mode”. With that done, change the “Relax” and the “Dress-O-matic” step values to 35 and set the “Width” to 5 cm. Then press the “Set” button in the “Seam Polys” row.
选择“Cloth”标签后,切换到“Dresser”标签并开启“Dress Mode”。做完这些,改变“Relax”和“Dress-O-matic”值为35 ,设置“Width”为5厘米。然后在“Seam Polys”行按“Set”按钮。
Step 6
Now click the “Dress-O-matic” button to have C4D automatically create our basic pillow shape.
Step 7
We now need to go in and delete the “Cloth” tag that we previously added to our object, so select the “Cloth” tag itself and hit backspace on your keyboard.
Step 8
With our pillow selected, go to “Character > Cloth NURBS”. Drag the pillow object onto the “Cloth NURBS” object to create a parent-child relationship.
选择枕头,去“Character > Cloth NURBS”。将枕头对象拖到““Cloth NURBS”对象创建一个父子关系。
Step 9
Now create a new material, by going to “File > New Material” in the Materials tab.
现在创建一个新的材料,在材料选项卡中选择“File > New Material”。
Step 10
Click on the color swatch and select a color for your pillow. Click “Ok” to confirm.