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Steps In Scala - An Introduction To Object-Functional Programming.pdf

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Steps In Scala - An Introduction To Object-Functional Programming.pdf



文档介绍:This page intentionally left blank
An Introduction to Object-Functional Programming
Object-functional programming is already here. Scala is the most prominent rep-
resentative of this exciting approach to programming, both in the small and in the
large. In this book we show how Scala proves to be a highly expressive, concise,
and scalable language, which grows with the needs of the programmer, whether
professional or hobbyist.
Read the book to see how to:
• leverage the full power of the industry-proven JVM technology with a language that could
e from the future;
• learn Scala step-by-step, following plete introduction and then dive into spe-
cially chosen design challenges and implementation problems, inspired by the real-world,
software engineering battlefield;
• embrace the power of static typing and automatic type inference;
• use the dual object and functional oriented bined at Scala’s core, to see how
to write code that is less “boilerplate” and to witness a real increase in productivity.
Use Scala for fun, for professional projects, for research ideas. We guarantee the
experience will be rewarding.
Christos K. K. Loverdos is a research puter software profes-
sional. He holds a . and an . puter Science. He has been working
in the software industry for more than ten years, designing and implementing flex-
ible, enterprise-level systems and making strategic technical decisions. He has also
published research papers on topics including digital typography, service-oriented
architectures, and highly available distributed systems. Last but not least, he is an
advocate of open source software.
Apostolos Syropoulos is puter scientist. He holds a . in Physics,
an . puter Science, and a . in puter Science. His
research interests focus putability theory, category theory, fuzzy set theory,
and digital typography. He has authored or co-authored six books, was co-editor
of a multi-author volume, and has pub


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