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上传人:zl201163zl 2017/12/16 文件大小:322 KB




With the development of science and technology, robotics is ing increasingly popular. In various fields of development to a certain stage, machines began to replace the work of a place where most work is also a robot application security risks, and now the southwest with the weather damage to the transmission line more and more aggravated this design is a specialized de-icing for this case to design a robot, and internal control designed to meet the operation of machines, thus achieving the effect of de- simulation to verify the rationality of the action plan. Next, using the Lagrange method, the robot's multi-body dynamics model, the derivation of the algorithm of the robot inverse dynamics equations, combined with the virtual prototype of the robot, and to consider the flexibility of the wire de-icing robot single arm the more impaired the process of simulation, based on the results, the weakest de-icing robot joints to choose the right motor, verify the feasibility of de-icing design of the robot body structure. Finally, flexible wire hanging shape, and the Lagrange equations of the robot rigid-flexible coupling dynamic model, a flexible model of the virtual prototype model of the robot in ADAMS using de-icing and wire were simulated to get the robot motion coupling between the wire deformation even in the wire flexible, so the development of safe and effective de-icing machines to replace human conductors de-icing has pract


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