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跨文化交际结课论文 英语.doc

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跨文化交际结课论文 英语.doc

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跨文化交际结课论文 英语.doc



题目:The Time Difference in munication

作者: 侯有森
学号: 201317718
院系; 外国语学院
专业: 英语系
The Time Difference in munication
Abstract:Time as a silent language and a ponent of culture, plays a very important role in our daily cultural dufference leads to the time value difference and as a result,the time differences influence munications among people in different it is meaningful and significant to study the time value difference of people in different culture.
Key Wards:munication;time values;time nation;integrate
Because of the social practice,ways of thinking and understanding and time of people from different cultures are different.. That is to say, time ,as an objective existence,has different forms of reflection in different view is seen as a part of cultural deed structure,which affects people‘s perception of the world,controls their judgment and determines the ways of vagueness and exactness Of Chinese and western cu1ture usually lead to conflicts and misunderstanding when peop1e interact with each Chinese use time Very casually and Chinese prefer to say some uncertain words 1ike
“at Once”,“sometimes”,“a short while”,which a1ways contrary to the prefer a correct ang clear time is a cognitive concept shared by the human society,because the social pr


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