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Nature, Origin and Technology of Natural Fibres of Textile.pdf

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Nature, Origin and Technology of Natural Fibres of Textile.pdf


文档介绍:Journal of Archaeological Science (2000) 27, 745–754
doi:.0481, available online at
Nature, Origin and Technology of Natural Fibres of Textile
Artefacts Recovered in the Ancient Cities around Vesuvius
L. D’Orazio*, E. Martuscelli, G. Orsello, F. Riva, G. Scala and A. Taglialatela
Istituto di Ricerca e ologia delle Materie Plastiche R, Via Toiano 6, 80072 Arco Felice (Napoli),
(Received 15 April 1998, revised manuscript accepted 25 June 1999)
Morphological and structural investigation of textile artefacts recovered from Pompeii, Herculaneum and Scafati was
essfully carried out by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), optical microscopy (OM) and wide angle X-ray
scattering (WAXS). The majority of the samples were carbonized as a result of the eruption of the Vesuvius volcano in
the year  79 and therefore were blackish-brown coloured and very brittle. Only two textile fragments were recovered
in a good state of preservation; the first was a cloth fragment characterized by a brown colour with green spots, the
second was flock and peculiarly brown-green coloured. SEM, OM and WAXS studies allowed the identification of the
nature, origin and molecular structure of the natural fibres and the determination of the kind of weaves used. In
addition, cotton, broom, hemp, kapok and Graminae fibres, all obtained from seeds, stems and leaves, were reco
