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文档介绍:Unit 6 Birdwatching
Period 1 e to the unit
Teaching aims and demands:
To learn mon names of birds
To talk about birds on two aspects: characteristics and appearance.
To arouse the students‘ interest in birds in the wild.
Key points:
To learn mon names of birds
Difficult points: To talk about birds on two aspects: characteristics and appearance.
Teaching aids: recorder and pictures
Teaching methods: Communication and description
Teaching procedures:
Step 1 Presentation
Talking about birds
Show the pictures of different kinds of birds and talk about them focusing on what’s special about the birds.
Learn the new words (Revise some old words at the same time, like wing/ feather/ beak)
2. Do Part A on Page75.
Step 2 Practice
Show the pictures together and then get the students to give their names. Make sure all the students can read the names correctly.
Play a game: reading and guessing (guess what bird it is.)
. I live in wetland. I am very tall. I have long beak, long neck and long legs. I have black and white feathers. Who am I? (a crane)
Ask students
Which is your favorite bird? Why?
Practice Part B on Page75 in pairs
Step 3 Production
Make up new conversations using Part B as a model and act them out.
Step 4 Presentation
Say: We love birds. Eddie loves birds, too. Listen to the tape and find the answers to the following