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上传人:小博士 2017/12/25 文件大小:72 KB




-->Executive summery

This report is made aker in the s to improve its supply chain management so as to gain petitive advantages over rivals such as Ford and General Motor. Supply chain entails the activities from procurement of raaterial to the distribution of products. Therefore, it is safe to say that the survival and prosperity of a corporation lie in its supply chain management. In the any elements such as suppliers of material, employees, technology, logistics and customers have to be considered so that the products of high quality can reach customers at a rapid speed. All panies attach great importance to supply chain management; they try to improve their efficiency, apply sophisticated technology, promote the skill of employees, ensure the supply of fund and material and meet the particular needs of customers. In the case of Toyota, it confronts some problems in its supply chain, and measures have to be taken to address those problems.
Table of Contents
1 Introduction 1
2 Key issues and challenges 1
Concepts of some manufacturing practices 1
Inventory 2
Defect in designs 3
Customers 4
Challenge 5
3 Remendations 5
4 Conclusion 7
5 Reference 8
1. Introduction
This essay is concerned s in the supply chain management of Toyota and remendations to address those problems. As said in the summary, supply chain inv